‘Cats make gifts of their presence.’  (Me)


But right now? You’re frustrated.  At your proverbial wit’s end.  Or your cat’s.

My Approach

It’s a matter of determining what’s behind the problem –- there’s always a reason for it. The motivation, in addition to dealing with the symptoms. Then we can sort the issue out, positively and constructively.  Aggression towards people is a special interest. 

Examples of Behaviors Treated:

  • Adopted shelter cat having trouble adjusting
  • Cat showing aggression to you or other people
  • Cat showing aggression to other resident cats, dogs
  • Cat frightened of people, other cats, noises, kids, objects, places
  • Cat aging and experiencing difficulties
  • Cat having a problem adjusting to a new pet in the family
  • Soiling outside the box
  • Destructive behavior
  • Separation anxiety
  • Newcomer or new baby
  • Working with ferals, strays, or what I call ‘frays’ (strays who have been outside for so long, they take on feral attributes.)
  • Constant vocalization


And more. Contact me about your cat’s behavior problems


What can you expect, whether we meet in person, by phone or virtually?

Through an initial phone chat (complementary), I can thoroughly familiarize myself with the problem.  The act of discussing gives us valuable information that you perhaps hadn’t considered relevant, such as details about the cat’s background, eating, soiling, playing, etc.  The more I learn about your cat and your family, the better guidance I can give. 

After determining the problem and why it’s happening, (motivation is important, not just the symptoms) I create an in-depth treatment program to solve the issues. It’s a three-pronged approach: assessing your cat’s environment, treating her systemically, and mapping out what you can actively do. 

The ‘client work’ you can expect includes telephone follow-ups to answer further questions or thoughts you may have, and to ensure that we’re seeing real progress. This is mutual commitment.

Services Offered:


Initial Telephone Discussion: Complementary.  Let’s sort through the issues. I can ask you some questions, and we can schedule the appropriate consult.

Contact to book


Short Consultation (30+ mins): $95.00

After our initial discussion (the more information I have, the better I can help),  we can deal with certain problems that may not need a longer consultation.


In-Depth Consultation (60+ mins): $195.00

This includes in-depth questioning during a one-hour telephone call, and email follow-up report, with  recommendations.  Email/telephone follow-ups for next 60 days is included. Especially useful for national and international consults.


In-Home Consultation: $425.00

This includes extensive questioning by telephone, a one- to two-hour visit to your home for in-depth discussion and observation of your cat’s  environment, and e-mail/phone follow-up with further recommendations. Includes telephone/email follow-ups for next 60 days.

PLEASE NOTE: Because of the few clients (such as Tyler G., Mesa) who refused to pay after their consult, I must now ask for payment in advance. This can easily be done through the website, and I do not ‘cash’ the payment until after our consult. Thank you for your understanding!

Camp Cattitude – Feline Boarding:

Short-term care in my home is available. Your cats have the whole house to roam, lots of amenities, attention and stimulation, exercise and love! Prices are competitive with boarding places and pet sitters. Plus, your cat(s) will have much more room, security, and lots of loving attention and play! Includes email and photo updates. Pet CPR Certified. Learn more or Contact for Availability >>

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