“We have an F2 Savannah Hybrid cat… 25% wild African Serval cat…this cat was really wild!! He naturally wanted to bite us and there was no pattern to why he would do it…my husband gave me an ultimatum it was either the cat or him. As an animal lover and also loving my husband of 16 years of marriage this was not a choice I wanted to make… Jane was my last resort for help. Prior to calling Jane I spoke to my Veterinarian that had advised certain activities to try with my kitten/teenager however had already done without success. Also I came down to the desperation of possibly medicating our cat; however, the Vet stated it is rarely successful and trying to modify behavior is better. When I spoke to Jane on the phone she actually had ideas that I never thought of and also explained why my cat had that biting behavior. It took a few days to get my cat out of the behavior with biting us using Jane’s tactics; however each day marked great improvement. It has now been approximately 1 month with absolute no biting with my husband and I. Our cat just purrs, rubs against us and looks up at us with learning enthusiastic loving eyes waiting to interact with us in love!!!! I cannot thank Jane enough for her professional advice in a situation that appeared impossible to resolve!”
Korri J., Phoenix